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Teacher Excellence Grants help inspirational teachers take their creative projects from idea to reality…

Teachers apply for grants for innovative programs that enhance student learning and success in the classroom. The awarded projects have a beneficial effect on students from preschool through 12th grade. Since 2006, the Eudora Schools Foundation has funded more than 120 projects totaling more than $100,000 in classroom educational initiatives across the district.

ESF Teacher Fellows Program support staff in creating a professional development opportunity that brings out the scholar, explorer, scientist or artist in them - and then in their students...   

This professional learning fellowship allows district staff to study and implement innovative approaches that directly impact student learning and achievement. Staff design and implement a high-quality professional development opportunity to address the needs of their classroom. 

EES/EMS Classroom Grant: Kano Computer Kits

EES/EMS Classroom Grant: Kano Computer Kits