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The Eudora Schools Foundation offers many programs and initiatives that connect volunteer and financial resources to Eudora Schools.
Arts Initiatives
Arts Initiatives support a variety of programs that support learning about others, about ourselves, and about the world through creative expression.
- Hammert Concert Series brings renowned classical artists from around the country to Eudora schools for performances and workshops that largely focused on the music of the 20th and 21st Centuries through partnership with the International Foundation for Contemporary Music.
- Wichita Children’s Theatre brings performances to the elementary and middle school through donor designated gifts and memorials.
Battle of the Books
Battle of the Books
The Foundation supports this yearly reading incentive program at Eudora Elementary and Middle Schools. Students read books all year and come together as a team to demonstrate their abilities and to test their knowledge in a fun-filled day of competition.
Cardinals Care Fund
Cardinals Care Fund is a monetary fund to assist principals and counselors in meeting urgent, immediate, and basic necessities of Eudora students, to ensure that the student's physical, social, and emotional needs do not stand in the way of their success
in school and school-sponsored extracurricular activities. This program helps fill needs unmet by any other source.- Lunch Account Reconciliation allows student families to receive financial assistance for delinquent lunch accounts each semester.
- Operation Caring allows referred/selected students in the most need of a wardrobe to be taken shopping with school staff during the school day. This program is based on the values of confidentiality and dignity. It is a confidential process in which students are selected and allowed to have dignity in selecting their own new clothing.
- The Bird’s Nest the new and gently-used clothing boutique offers free clothing and hygiene items to students and families. The Bird’s Nest
College & Career Readiness
College & Career Readiness
Supporting programs that provide opportunities for all students to graduate from high school ready for college, careers, and life, prepared to pursue the future of their choosing.
EMS Enrichment Programs
EMS Enrichment Programs support before and after school programs that help middle school students
1) build new skills and interest
2) develop self-confidence
3) gain knowledge from a cross-disciplinary, real-world learning opportunities that support core subjects in their classroom curriculum.
Cardinal LinkUP Mentor Program students are matched with an adult community mentor who meets with them before school or during lunch a few times each month. This program is a fantastic way for middle school students to interact with an additional adult role model who encourages them to reach their academic and personal development goals. Mentor/mentee matches are based on personal interests. The program content is structured to help the student discover the best version of him or herself.
Health, Wellness & Equity
Health, Wellness & Equity
- Cardinal Cardio allows district staff, their spouses, and middle school students free access to a new cardio exercise lab focused on increasing daily cardiovascular activity and life-long healthy lifestyle habits.
- Health Equity in Eudora Forum is a community forum to raise awareness and conversation that leads to progress on creating conditions in our community that lead to good health.
- Mental Health First Aid Training all district staff are trained in a nationally certified program on how to help an adolescent (ages 12-18) who is experiencing a mental health or addictions challenge or is in crisis. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth, reviews typical adolescent development, and teaches a 5-step action plan for how to help young people in crisis and non-crisis situations. Topics covered include anxiety, depression, substance use, disorders in which psychosis may occur, disruptive behavior disorders (including ADHD), and eating disorders.
- Outdoor Fitness & Learning Center The new 5,978 square foot addition at Eudora Middle School includes an outdoor classroom, two small basketball courts, gaga ball pit, four-square, speed ladder runs, chess game, and more. The new space provides the opportunity for Eudora students to achieve more physical fitness during the school day as well as to help foster a healthier lifestyle. This space will also benefit the community as a whole by providing an additional outdoor play space located close to several residential housing areas.
- WiFi Access the Foundation partners with the school district to help eliminate the digital divide among our students. By increasing Wi-Fi access for students through at home hot-spots and through SMARTBuses, they are given an equal opportunity for a successful educational experience.
Principal for a Half Day
Principal for a Half Day
We invite business and community leaders to explore our vibrant school district by shadowing a school principal for a morning in order to better understand their complex roles and to gain perspective on the school system from within. Community leaders, in turn, share expertise and provide perspective on their business’ needs and opportunities for collaboration. Principal for a (Half) Day is an enlightening day of inspiration, exploration, and fun.
Old School Coffee and Conversation
Old School Coffee and Conversation
Each year we welcome back retired Eudora school district staff for an opportunity to reconnect with their former colleagues and receive updates on the great things happening in our schools. The purpose is to create a stronger sense of community among people who spent a great deal of their working life in the service of the Eudora schools.
STEM Initiatives
STEM Initiatives
The goal is to engage our larger community in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) education so that all students have extensive opportunity to develop high interest in science and related relevant subject areas. We seek to achieve this by supporting and offering programs that expose young learners to real-world exploration, both inside and outside the classroom.

ESF Designated Fund: 5th Grade Battle of the Books